2025 Fashion Show Fundraiser
to benefit
Circle of Care

Sponsorship & Advertising
This event typically attracts 175-200 women from Wilton and surrounding towns, for a cocktail hour, Silent Auction, wine pull, luncheon, and fashion show with looks from The Plumed Serpent Bridal and Evening Wear.
Attendees at this event make an excellent target audience for your business! Support Circle of Care, and put your business front and center before these attendees in one of the following ways:
Event Sponsor
$1,500 = Gold Sponsor. $1,000 = Silver Sponsor. $750 = Bronze Sponsor.
Before Feb 15: You will be listed in order on our invite, emailed to 500 previous attendees
You will be on the homepage of our website in order, listed in all promotional material
You will be on a sign in order at the entrance to the event, seen by all attendees.
You will be thanked in our Program Booklet, given to each attendee
Before March 15: Complimentary full-page ad in Program Booklet: Gold Sponsors will have prominent placement on back and inside covers on a first come basis
Complimentary tickets to the event: Gold – 4, Silver – 2, Bronze – 1
Program Booklet Advertiser (Deadline: March 15, 2025)
Each attendee receives a fully bound, glossy take-home program with four color cover, upon entrance to the event.
Full page ad - $250, Half page ad - $125
Click below for information and payment. Questions? Please contact Andrea Bates at connbates@gmail.com.